Wednesday 14 November 2012

Looking After the Whole Self

What do you to take care of yourself? When people are asked this question, some typical responses include:

  • Eat healthily
  • Exercise regularly
  • Hair treatments
  • Complementary therapies
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Hobbies

All of these activities are examples of taking time for ourselves, in what is an increasingly pressured and busy life.  But how often do you stop and take stock, to check that you are looking after all of the parts of your life? Why not take some time for yourself now by following the 4 steps below?

1. How satisfied are you at the moment with the life domains listed below?
Using the scale 1(very unsatisfied) – 10 (extremely satisfied).
  • Health / Exercise
  • Fun / Leisure
  • Community
  • Work / Career
  • Family / Relationships
  • Friendships
  • Money / Income
  • Home / Environment
  • Spirituality

(If you feel there is an area of your life missing, add it to the list)

2. Review your list and scores, and choose one life area that you want to focus on at the moment.  Choose an area that if you made changes, would make a big difference to your overall quality of life. 

3. Now ask yourself, what is the one thing that if you could do it, would have the biggest impact on that area of your life?

4. How will you know when you have achieved this one thing? How will you measure your progress? What will life look and feel like?

Ensuring that your life has the right balance in each life area, will make improve your well-being: a balanced you makes a happy you.  Longitudinal research, being carried out by a team at the University College London (ELSA) is beginning to show the importance that positive well-being can have on future health and life expectancy – a greater sense of well being reduces the risks of physical health problems later in life.

Coaching is a valuable resource that you can use to ensure that you are looking after your whole self and achieving well-being. This is what one recent coachee said to me;

‘Life coaching I came to realise is essential for not only my happiness but for my sanity. It gives me a protected time and place to rediscover myself. Every week, at the end of each session, I plan to make a small and manageable change. It is amazing how big these changes become and how much of a real and ongoing difference they make to me.’

To find out more about coaching services I can provide contact me on